Contoh Article Review Format

hallo para pembaca... disini saya bagi informasi tentang format dari Article Review dalam Bahasa inggris... semoga bermanfaat dan membantu dalam menyelesaikan tugasnya.... have a nice day 

Article Review Format

Reference Heading                                                                                                Personal Heading
Title:                                                                                                                  Name(s):
Author:                                                                                                              Date Submitted:
Source:                                                                                                              Course:
Date:                                                                                                                 Assignment:

Paragraph One:
§ Introduce the topic of the article by summarizing the issue or problem discussed in the article.
§ Explain how the topic of the article relates to Managerial Communication, referencing any applicable theories we’ve discussed thus far.
§ If you have more than one article, explain how they relate to one another.
§ Audience: State the article's intended audience. At what level is it written, and what general background should the reader have; what general background materials should the reader be familiar with to understand the article?
Paragraphs Two-Four:
§ Summarize the main research presented in the article: Proposal/Question
§ An article makes a "contribution" by adding to the knowledge of researchers in a research field. An article can make a contribution to the research field in many ways.
o Does it provide a new way to look at a problem?
o Does it bring together or "synthesize" several concepts in an insightful way that has not been done before?
o Does it provide new solutions?
o Does it provide new results?
o Does it identify new issues?
o Does it provide a comprehensive survey or review of a domain?
o Does it provide new insights?
Final Paragraph:
§ Personal response to article:
o Do you have any recommendations based on what you learned from the article?
o Criticisms/Questions/Recommendations for future research

§ State the full bibliographic reference for the article you are reviewing (authors, title, journal name, volume, issue, year, page numbers, etc.) Important: this is not the bibliography listed at the end of the article, rather the citation of the article itself.
§ Also provide a reference for any other that you use or comment on in your review.
§ Generally should not exceed two pages.
§ Should be typed, single spaced, 12 font, Times New Roman.
§ Use formal English writing rather than short hand.
§ Submit a copy of the article with the review
